Market trends

Market trends

  • Category: Market
  • Date 10-01-2020

Market-based economies like India depend on the chain of sale and purchase & currently, the same market has shown signs of slowdown over the past few months. This slowdown can be divided into 2 types -

  1. Cyclical factors – It is due to changes in the business cycle. It lasts for short to medium term and needs reforms and measures.  Countermeasures are being attempted by the Government
  2. Structural factors- The changes, which last over a long-term, are driven by disruptive technologies like BS4 to BS6 along with electrical mobility, changing demographics, and/or change in consumer behavior. 

This 2019 domestic the slowdown is mainly a combination of cyclical and structural factors.

There are a number of reasons behind this slowdown -

    - Market trends change.

    - The technology wave comes.

    - Consumer behavior and sentiments change.

    - Policies, regulations, and reforms.

Unpredictability has become a norm in the emerging market. Because of diversity and rapid changes, it is hard to predict how consumers will respond to new products and services.

So, if we look at history. We navigated right from doing by hand to introducing machines and then combining it with electronics and today we are surrounded by technologies where our everyday life is affected in new & unanticipated ways. In a similar context, new markets emerged with the boom of IT, E-commerce, AI, ML & E-mobility trends chipped in. 

In a nutshell, 

we can say, earlier in 18th/19th century technology cycle lasted typically for 6-7 years or a decade, but surprisingly if we take a look at the 21st century, technology cycles are now getting shorter and shorter-forcing incumbents to learn, unlearn and relearn even faster.

If we foresee, then the next evolving market would be E-learning driven by creative and innovative people only. So the level of creativity and innovation will drive the market and hence it will become more product-oriented and this will contribute to the nation's GDP. 

P.S.- Hone your skills by continuously learning and evolving for future market trends.

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